California law now mandates that employers with five or more employees must provide company-wide harassment prevention training. This mandate requires all businesses in California with 5 or more employees to provide sexual harassment training and education by January 1st, 2021 and thereafter once every 2 years. It also requires:

      • That new nonsupervisory employees be provided sexual harassment training within 6 months of hire.
      • That new supervisory employees be provided sexual harassment training within 6 months of the assumption of a supervisory position.
      • And it clarifies that an employer who has provided this training and education in 2019 is not required to provide it again until 2 years thereafter.

To help cannabis businesses remain compliant with the law, Cannabis Connect has partnered with Civility Partners, an HR consulting firm specializing in harassment and bullying, to provide harassment prevention training specifically tailored for the cannabis industry.

3 Reasons to Send Your Workforce to Harassment Prevention Training

Staying compliant with the law is only one part of the equation when considering harassment prevention training. As an employer, it’s your responsibility to know when and how to step in when you see inappropriate behavior taking place in the workplace. 

Let’s look at three reasons why you should send your workforce to harassment prevention training.

1. The training will be offered in a webinar format

The beauty of modern technology is that it provides convenient ways to train your workforce. In the past, employees needed to physically attend workplace training. While mandatory, this was often bothersome as it required employees to pay the costs associated with traveling to and from work. 

By offering harassment training via webinar format, off-duty employees won’t have to pay travel costs, allowing them to get the training they need without paying out of pocket. Additionally, webinars are convenient because you can watch them anytime, anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a compatible device.  

Furthermore, we made sure to make our training session interactive and entertaining to keep engagement levels high from beginning to end.

2. It’s the only harassment prevention training tailored to the cannabis industry

At Cannabis Connect, it’s our sole mission to help cannabis businesses remain compliant with laws and regulations. We do this by providing examples relevant to the cannabis industry. This makes the training more relatable to cannabis business owners, and leaves no question as to what is expected of you should sexual harassment occur in your place of business.

3. The training is affordable

Paying out of pocket for sexual harassment training can be a minor inconvenience, and you may be considering shortcuts, like whether or not you should offer the training yourself, and save a little bit of money.  

While this is an option, if you’re not an expert in the field of sexual harassment, you may not meet the expectations set forth by the government. It’s better to purchase an online course created by a professional firm that specializes in harassment training. 

You’ll find that many online training sessions can go for $50 per manager and $25 per employee. This can get pricey, especially if you run a larger operation. Our webinar is half that price, at $24 per manager, and $15 per employee.

What’s to be expected during training?

For the first part of the training, you will learn the essentials of sexual harassment etiquette in the workplace. This involves fully understanding your sexual harassment policy, understanding bullying, discrimination, and harassment as a social phenomenon, and your responsibility to confront these behaviors. 

During the second half of the training, owners, managers, and supervisors will be trained on how to discuss best practices to avoid harassment claims, how to identify symptoms of negative behaviors and risk factors, how to implement tools to address negative behaviors, and more. 

Implementing sexual harassment training in your cannabis business

Sexual harassment training is necessary to not only train your staff on the rights and wrongs of harassment in the workplace, but also as an educational tool to help upper management better identify and handle harassment when it occurs.

Ultimately, specialized training tailored for the cannabis industry allows you to understand the nuances of the law that specifically affects your business. Stay complaint and get harassment prevention training before the January 1st deadline.  

Get a Quote

If you’re looking for a team of specialists who can help your cannabis business navigate sexual harassment prevention training, contact Cannabis Connect today for a free quote.