General Liability Insurance
What is General Liability Insurance for Cannabis Businesses?
General liability insurance provides coverage for a range of claims such as personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage to a third party. Coverage also extends to cases of infringement, slander, copyright, libel, and more.
General liability insurance has two primary categories of coverage:
Medical payments
Provides assistance with payments that relate to falls, trips, and slips. Can help to mitigate occurrence claims.
Premises liability
Coverage that involves a lease requirement for trip, fall, and slip hazards.
We recommend a minimum of a $1,000,000 occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for your general liability limits.

What are the benefits of having General Liability Insurance?
General liability insurance shows your suppliers, partners, and customers that you’re serious about the longevity of your business. Business relationships can be soiled if aspects of your supply chain believe they can be held liable for accidents they’re not directly responsible for. Adopting an insurance policy will give everyone peace of mind they’ll have coverage if you’re forced to file a claim.
Tips for Choosing General Liability Insurance for Your Cannabis Business
Find a broker you can trust
Finding a reliable broker familiar with the cannabis industry will ensure you’re matched with a policy that’s well suited for your business. Brokers well known within the industry will have the vital connections needed to make the entire process simple and streamlined.
Assess your business risks
While working with a broker who understands the cannabis industry is a must it’s still important that you work closely with them to ensure they understand your business risks. Talk with your broker to see if they have established relationships with multiple underwriters. Know what your risks are so you’ll have a good idea what type of premium you’ll be paying.
Get a General Liability Insurance Quote for Your Cannabis Business
Protect yourself and your business by reaching out to Cannabis Connect Insurance, so we can help you find the right policy for your business. Contact us today to receive a quote.